Blog // Indiewalls

15 Interior Design Fails

Written by Julia Leonardos | Oct 10, 2016 6:03:26 PM

As is true with any art form, we grow as interior designers by finding inspiration in the work of others—from our peers to our heroes. The work featured here is no exception. Except that it serves better as inspiration for design choices to avoid.

Take notes!


If you've always envisioned your kitchen to feel like a small city in which you're a giant causing mass chaos, then behold this true feat in interior design. The perfect finish for your cabinets is: Medieval Tuscan Town.



Everyone knows this rule from Interior Design 101: if you have two favorite things, then those two things automatically work well together—no matter what! This room consists of literally only zebra print and the color purple. It works because this designer enjoys each of these things separately!



Afraid of going to the dentist? Definitely go to this office to make your already-existing fear approximately 15 times worse.



“Chairs are ok, but I enjoy them a lot more when they have faces," - this interior designer. She continued, “I don't trust anything that I can't make eye contact with! Make sure all your furniture pieces have eyes! Or that they at least feel like severed body parts of a single piece that DOES have eyes.




As humans, when we urinate, we want to be tricked into thinking that our genitalia is under scrutiny. It’s science! This public restroom answered this biological need for us.



Not enough interior design makes you feel like you're living inside a pair of clown pants. Luckily, this fits the bill—this interior designer GETS IT.




If you want to get really creative, make your interiors look like exteriors by hauling unnecessarily large slabs of stone into your home. While you’re at it, bring in soil and a forest, and confuse all your guests!




The perfect touch to any bathroom is a toilet that somehow does what all of us wish for: to make it more obvious that this is the room in which we defecate!




Here is a perfect example of when DIY and good taste unite!




Texting and driving is bad. Unless your “car” is actually your “desk.” Now you can feel very naughty by not only texting but also surfing the web, filling out paperwork, and saying “I’m swamped at the office” on a loop while also feeling like you’re “driving.”






When things don’t match, it’s very bad. This interior circumvents that problem by treating every single surface area of the room as one single canvas. If you can't discern separate objects from each other, then congratulations—you're matching!

What is better than becoming a crazy cat lady? Nothing. So make sure everyone knows it by not only owning 18 cats, but by plastering every surface of your home with images of cats.

This piece let’s you do two things at once that you don’t normally do at once: turn on a light and touch a piece of dog poop. The people asked for it and this designer delivered! In this sleek, beautiful, pooping dog lamp, the switch is feces!





Want the place where you sleep to also feel like a wet cave? Of course you do—you’re only human! Pick up some tips from this interior design—make your bed an island in a very small, chlorinated ocean. And if you’d like to watch TV from bed, place it where one wrong move could plunge it into water!



When we hear the word “bathroom,” a word that doesn’t come to mind is: “cow.” But to each his own. It is mildly mooo-ving.





And lastly...floral is IN. But only if it is enough floral to visually induce a panic attack—anything less, what’s the point?







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